Why Companies in Singapore are Hiring Talent from India

India and Singapore is the most powerful trading partner for each other and their trade association is getting deeper day by day. The countries have a common historical background, culture and civilization. A significant part of the Indian emigrant population consists of Indian professionals engaged in jobs in different parts of the Asia, especially in Singapore.

Singapore has made its hiring guidelines stricter, just to make sure quality of jobs. Indian competence is well-recognized globally and international companies are open to hire all kinds of tech and non-tech Indian professionals. Indian talent perfectly meets the requirements of western businesses; they can get skilled professionals in lesser cost.

In spite of stricter visa rules, many start-ups, young companies in Singapore are boosting themselves to hire Indian techies, offering them decent salary hike and professional exposure. Skills like data science, full stack development, project management is in high demand in companies in Singapore. The relationship between western businesses and Indian tech talent is mutually beneficial.

Below are the few reasons why Singapore companies prefer to hire Indian talent:

  1. More Economic:

Singapore companies don’t mind paying high salaries to Indian professional as it is very small compared to what they would have to pay in their in-home talent. They can afford to hire Indian talent.

  1. Lack of local talent:

Countries like Singapore are keen to hire Indian talent due to the lack of local talent with the required level of skills or ability. The country has the skills gap, where they are unable to find native talent with the essential skills and competence.


Staffing Companies in India


  1. Reliability and professional strength of Indian talent:

Everyone is aware of technical strength and competence of Indian talent. Indian education system gives rise to the talent that perfectly meets the requirements of business requirements of western countries like Singapore.

  1. Easily available:

Indian talent is always ready to move to countries like Singapore as he can find substantial career growth, economic stability there. Also there are few Singapore recruitment consultants in India available, which can help to recruit and retain competent professional for the organizational work role.

  1. Fluency in English:

Indian graduates from top institutes like IIT, IIM are fluent in international language of business i.e. English. Fluency in English provides Indian talent an extra edge over the talent from other countries.

Singapore is an attractive place for Indians to work as it is one of the most economically successful countries in the world and can fulfill the dream of earning a decent salary.

As a job seeker, it will be difficult for you to find a job in Singapore, while staying in India, unless you have a strong network connection in Singapore. There are few recruitment companies in India for Singapore, who can help Indian professionals to find their dream job.

These job consultants work for the company to find out right professionals for job. Job seekers can contact these recruitment agencies in India for Singapore, to discuss about job opportunity.

So, if you are looking for employment in Singapore, the process takes on many complicated steps. Not only you have to get the job, you also have to apply for work visa and move yourself midway across the globe.

Using Indian staffing services for Singapore will be helpful to both for job seekers to get their dream job as well as employers to get perfect and competence professional for their work role.

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